EcoXperience workshop

Co-creation workshop with the purpose of generating new eco initiatives for clients, organized by the Payment Innovation Hub with representatives from CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, CaixaBank Comercia Global Payments, and Ingenico, resulting in “My Green Box” – a proposal that encompasses all sustainability issues for clients of a bank.


Workshop: 29th June 2021
My Green Box: ongoing

My Role

UX / UI Designer


Anna Nguyen, Silvia García, Diego Beltramini (Payment Innovation Hub), representative of Comercia, representative of Ingenico, representative of CaixaBank Renting

1.0. Overview

I created all the visual materials required for the workshop (leaflets, brainstorming prompts, presentation, e-newsletter) and I was UX/UI Designer in a team of 5 representatives from Payment Innovation Hub, CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, CaixaBank Comercia Global Payments, and Ingenico. I contributed to the workshop ideation, and I created the final prototypes on behalf of the group. Following on from the workshop, myself and the another UX specialist worked on a prototype proposal and wireframes for the final solution, “My Green Box.”

2.0. The challenge

During the process of a 4 hour workshop, our goal was to generate new eco initiatives and sustainability propositions that minimize the environmental impact of a bank’s activities, for their clients. The ideas that emerged from this workshop are being further developed to create real solutions that bring value and provoke an impact on both the clients and on the environment.

3.0. The solution

As a result of the EcoXperience workshop, 25 ideas emerged in total. One of the ideas proposed by my group was a mobile app points program, offering an eco-profile for bank customers with the aim of raising awareness of the impact being generated on the environment and suggesting regular challenges to proactively become more eco-sustainable. It included gamification via a leaderboard with friends and obtaining medals for milestones reached.

This idea seeded the development of the first initiative to be derived from the workshop: “My Green Box”, a collaborative mechanism that will allow clients who activate the service to finance sustainable projects supported by the bank through the contribution of a fixed amount per purchase made with a bank card (e.g., 5 cents per purchase).

Go Green wireframes

Go Green Wireframes

4.0. Discover

The Payment Innovation Hub was responsible for planning, preparing and hosting the EcoXperience workshop and I designed all of the visual materials required for the workshop.

Workshop graphic designs

After an inspirational keynote from the Director of Visa Design Services, the session was structured into 3 parts for each team:

-30 minutes for ideation to identify potential lines of work and generate a brainstorm
-30 minutes for selection and conceptualization of the most creative ideas that can generate the greatest impact
-1 hour to build prototypes that communicate the value of the selected ideas
-15 minutes to prepare the presentation of the final ideas

Ideation session

4.1. Define

The concept solution, “Go Green” that I created on behalf of the team, during the workshop later became the seed for the project, “My Green Box”, defined as follows:

-Collaborative mechanism that allows clients who activate this service, to finance sustainable projects from the bank, through the contribution of a fixed amount per purchase made with bank cards (e.g., 5 cents per purchase).
-The collaborative piggy bank mechanism is the main service of My Green Box, which also offers the calculation of the customer’s CO2 footprint, centralizes the sustainable products and services of the bank and provides a visualization of the client’s progress in their profile area.

-To offer a simple solution to the customer that allows them to carry out actions with positive impact on the environment
-To achieve mass adoption by customers
-To raise awareness and educate the customer on the impact of their consumption habits on the environment
-To position the bank as an advocate of sustainability
-Provide transparency and traceability of sustainable projects to which donations have been made

-Bank’s website
-Bank’s mobile app

Myself and the User Experience Design Specialist at Payment Innovation Hub first brainstormed and ideated on the solution and we created the UX strategy relating to each principle section of the application. Then we sketched out initial wireframes:

Solution ideation

4.2. Develop

We then created the low-fidelity wireframes:

Wireframes showcasing the “Impact” section of the profile, where users can access details for their carbon footprint, their progress to becoming carbon neutral, their sustainable actions, tips and challenges, unlocked achievements, and CTA to discover more eco products and services.

Low-fidelity wireframes impact session

Overview of all low-fidelity wireframes created for “My Green Box”:

Low-fidelity wireframes overview

We then presented the proposal and prototype to a team from the bank who were very happy with our vision for “My Green Box.”

5.0. Next steps

The involved team from the bank are discussing the proposal internally in order to develop further and implement final design and content based on our low-fidelity wireframes. Myself and the User Experience Design will continue to provide consulting support with regular communication to follow progress.

This was a very interesting project to work on, dealing with themes I personally consider to be very significant and with the potential to make a lot of impact on society and the environment. It is exciting to see it being developed for future integration in the bank app and the project is currently still in progress so I am very happy to be able to continue contributing to it.