VICON Method

Online learning platform to improve the communication skills of children with language disorders through music and play. A self-learning system using imitation methods that guides and accompanies children from the essential levels of learning to the most complex stages.


Oct 2022 - May 2023

My Role

Senior UX / UI Designer


Anna Nguyen, Sara Constán, Jaume Belagué

1.0. Overview

I was responsible for UX and UI design in all phases. Initially the scope of the project was only to redesign the existing public website for which I pitched a high-fidelity home page proposal. On the basis of this, the project pitch was accepted by the client and in addition they decided to increase the original scope of the project to include a redesign of the private platform as well. I conducted 2 ideation workshops and created a Design System. I created mid and high-fidelity mockups, and interactive prototypes. I also presented my designs to internal and external stakeholders and collaborated with a team of developers.

2.0. The challenge

Based on the client’s scope and building on the the existing user research provided by the client, the main objective of the ideation workshop and the initial problem statement that we needed examine in more detail was:

How can we improve the platform experience to convert more trial users into paying users?

With regards to the public platform, the objectives were to:
-Attract users
-Explain VICON Method
-Capture users
-Build loyalty

Research showed that in general, the users of the private platform of VICON Method were very satisfied and described it is “having a therapist at home”. However, they also spoke about various pain points in the learning platform such as not having different ways to practice the video content with their children and how the platform could be more intuitive by making it easier to find specific videos and navigate through the huge collection. Furthermore, the childrens’ level of engagement could be improved by making the interface design more impactful, dynamic and fun to use.

3.0. The solution

In the first phase we redesigned the private platform, ensuring all pain points were addressed and incorporating a more attractive, modern design with gamification to increase engagement.

In the second phase we redesigned the public platform to convey a clearer message aligning with the requirements of the target audience (parents of children with language disorders).

High-fidelity prototype: phase 1 private platform

Private platform high-fidelity wireframes

High fidelity wireframes

4.0. Discover

We started with an initial kickoff session with the client and analysed the existing user research they provided to us in order to understand:

-The main users of VICON Method
-The users’ first point of contact
-How users interact with VICON Method
-How users usually play the videos
-How users progress through the platform
-The follow-up process with the therapists
-VICON Method’s strengths and weaknesses
-Competitor benchmarking
-the VICON Method user persona

User research insights

Competitor benchmarking

4.1. Define

I analyzed the user research insights and defined the approach through a “How Might We” question which addressed the problems uncovered.

How can we improve the platform experience to convert more trial users into paying users?

User Personas

In a collaborative session with the stakeholder, we created the user persona to focus on what our target user wants from VICON Method and to ensure that everyone was aligned on their needs, requirements and concerns. Our persona is a mother dedicated to the special needs of her son, who wants to help him develop language skills and is looking for an easy method which can be used on a daily basis and which feel like having a therapist at home. However, she worries that VICON Method won’t be effective for her son’s specific needs and will be difficult to incorporate it in their daily routine. She also is concerned about being able to use the method correctly and about not having enough knowledge to help her son, compared to a therapist.

Empathising with the user

We then began to narrow down the scope of the problem by mapping user perceptions and setting priorities through affinity mapping and bulls-eye activities.


We redefined the problem using the How Might We method to reflect the views of the users and the value we want to offer them:

How can we facilitate the use of the method so that families become autonomous?
How can we improve the personalisation of the method so that families feel it is tailored to their child's needs?

4.2. Develop

After creating our How Might We questions, we started the first round of ideation by creating sketches and notes of our ideas for solutions. In the second round of ideation we used the Crazy 8s method to create variations of our best ideas in order to consider alternatives.

Ideation sketches

Evaluation - Kano model

After creating ideas for possible features to implement, I used the Kano model to interpret user needs and prioritise the functionalities that will satisfy them. I also took into account the How Might We questions that define our approach.

The model consists of two dimensions:

-Functionality (the horizontal axis), which represents the level of functionality that the feature can offer.
-Satisfaction (vertical axis), ranging from possible total dissatisfaction with the feature to total satisfaction with the feature.

I defined the necessary functions for the MVP (minimum viable product, a product with a minimum of basic but essential features), and also the MLP (minimum lovable product, a product that has features that delight the user and can differentiate it from its competitors).

Kano model

With this base of ideas and functionalities evaluated, I proceeded to an initial version of the redesign of the private platform.

Mid-fidelity wireframes

Mid-fidelity wireframes

5.0. Next steps

The public and private platforms are live in three languages, lead generation has increased significantly and further features are being contemplated for a later release date.